Sunday, September 18, 2022

Psychotherapy Vs Therapy


 Psychotherapy Vs Therapy 

Psychotherapy Vs Therapy

Psychologists typically use one or more theories of psychotherapy.

A theory of psychotherapy serves as a road map for psychologists, directing them as they work to comprehend clients' problems and come up with answers.

The following are the top five categories of psychotherapy techniques:

  • Psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis. By identifying the unspoken meanings and motivations behind harmful behaviours, feelings, and ideas, this method aims to change them. The therapeutic relationship between therapist and patient in psychoanalytically oriented therapies is close. By examining their interactions in the therapy relationship, patients discover more about themselves. Although Sigmund Freud is often associated with psychoanalysis, it has evolved and changed since his initial theories.
  • Behavioural therapy This strategy focuses on how learning influences the emergence of both typical and aberrant behaviours.
  • Ivan Pavlov's discovery of classical conditioning, or associative learning, made significant contributions to behaviour treatment. As a result of their association between the sound of the dinner bell and food, Pavlov's famous dogs, for instance, started drooling when it rang.
  • The process of "desensitising" involves classical conditioning in action: A therapist may assist a client with a phobia by repeatedly exposing them to whatever anxiety-inducing stimulus they have.
  • E.L. Thorndike, another influential theorist, made the discovery of operant conditioning. Rewards and penalties are used in this sort of learning to influence behaviour.
  • Since the development of behaviour therapy in the 1950s, a number of variations have emerged. 
  • Cognitive rehabilitation Instead than focusing on what people do, cognitive therapy stresses what they think.
  • According to cognitive therapists, faulty thinking is the root cause of dysfunctional emotions or behaviours. People can alter how they feel and act by altering their thinking.
  • Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck are two influential figures in cognitive therapy.
  • Humanistic therapy: This method highlights people's ability to make intelligent decisions and reach their full potential. Other significant themes are caring and respect for others.
  • This kind of treatment was influenced by humanistic philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre, Martin Buber, and Sren Kierkegaard.
  • Three forms of humanistic therapy have a particularly strong impact. The notion that therapists are experts on their patients' inner experiences is rejected in client-centered therapy. Instead, by expressing their concern, care, and interest, therapists aid clients in changing.
  • Gestalt therapy places a strong emphasis on what is known as "organic holism," or the value of being present in the moment and taking ownership of your own actions.
  • Existential therapy self-determination, and the search for meaning are key themes in existential therapy.
  •  Holistic or integrative therapy Many therapists don't commit to any particular method. Instead, they combine aspects from many approaches and customise their treatment to meet the needs of each client.