Tuesday, December 13, 2022

SDCT Test, SDCT Scoring Sheet

 SDCT Test, SDCT Scoring Sheet 

 Slosson Drawing Coordination Test 

Richard L. Slosson developed the test known as the Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (1967). An add-on to the Slosson Intelligence Test is the Slosson Drawing Coordination Test (SDCT) (Slosson, 1963).
Teachers, school psychologists, and mental health professionals appear to be using both exams more frequently as rapid screening tools.

There are 12 geometric shapes to copy three times each in this untimed drawing challenge. Depending on the examinee's age, different numbers of figures are attempted. This is a group and individual test.

This test's objective is to identify people who have cognitive dysfunction or perceptual issues that affect hand-eye coordination.

Population: The test can be administered to both adults and children who are one year of age or older.
Score: Raw score and accuracy score
Time: between 10 and 15 minutes
Items: 12 items 
Overall Score: 36
Cutoff Score: 85%
Scoring: Based on predetermined standards outlined in a manual, each SDCT item is given a plus or minus score. A score of accuracy less than 85% is considered as a sign of potential brain injury.

SDCT Scoring Sheet
For test-retest reliability on a sample tested at the start and end of the same session, ranging in age from 4 to 52 years, the reliability coefficient was.96. Due to the simplification of the scoring rules, inter-scorer dependability is very good.

The purpose of this test is to identify those who have severe forms of brain injury. The degree of distortion on this test may also be abnormally high in people with emotional or mental disorders, low motivation, or eyesight problems.

There are defined norms for each figure and age group. Groups have norms that take into account a person's gender, age, dexterity, artistic talent, visual impairments, and disorganised emotional or mental disease.

Tools and Materials
  • Table chair
  • Test sheet 
  • one pencil
  • one sharpener
General Administrative Instructions
  • They must provide precise instructions for drawing.
  • They don't use a ruler, compass, or eraser.
  • No guidelines
The administrator has no control over some variables.
  • The exam taker's degree of motivation
  • bodily discomfort
  • Test anxiety
Many standardized administration components

  • Physical Environmental
  •  Light Levels Control
  • Ambient temperature,
  • Noise level, 
  • Ventilation
  • Very Little Distraction
SDCT Scoring Sheet
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